
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Success Isn’t Given, it’s Earned

When you get married, you enter the playing field.  Once you get on the field it’s not about whether you are liked or not.  What matters is to play the game consistently and doing what it takes to help your team win.  What each player needs to remember is that they are part of a team, it’s not an individual event.  If you find yourself butting heads lately, it might be time to take a trip out to Arena Sports in Redmond for some indoor soccer.

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On this date you’ll learn to be a team.  You’ll have to work together to win the game on the field or in life.  An important skill for success is knowing when to take a “time out”.  Just like playing sports or heading to the spa can be relaxing and rejuvenating, so can taking a time out from a heated conversation or argument.  When couples are stressed out, they do not communicate well.  People end up saying things they later regret when they go into a fight or flight response during an argument.  Once you practice this concept a few times, it will become an effective, healthy, and natural way to communicate.  You are a team no matter what and your love should be the number one fan cheering you on through all the different fields of life.

A marriage can be applied to sports
Just like in sports success is not given, it’s earned
On the field
On the track
In the gym
With blood, sweat, and an occasional tear

(This article is based on one written for the Great Dates Houston Blog.  For more dating ideas and tips, visit:

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