
Sunday, March 20, 2016


Some of our most basic desires as humans are to feel understood, loved, and valued.  When somebody “gets you” it feels so amazing!  That’s why I love doing personality tests to tap into how others think, feel, and behave.  I’ve found these types of tests lead to deeper understanding and great discovery.  I recommend this particular test because it teaches us about fear, motivation, and even what the person looks like when they are the healthy and unhealthy version of themselves.  Another intriguing section is the compatibility between the different types and what the strengths and weaknesses are in the relationship.
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Take an evening to curl up on the couch together and take the enneagram quiz.  This is a great way to turn towards each other and strengthen your relationship.
How did it go?  Did you learn something about your spouse?  Did you completely disagree with something it said about your personality type?  Tell us about it by commenting below.

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