
Thursday, March 3, 2016


Monday night I was able to do some folk dancing with the traveling folk dance team from BYU.  They were in town for a show and offered a free mini performance and class in the community.  They performed a Bollywood Dance and a Hungarian Boot Dance- which were both phenomenal!  (The dancers are all extremely talented.)  For the workshop, we the audience/community members, were each paired up with one of the professional dancers.  We learned some simple moves, such as the do-si-do, slides, heel toe, clapping patterns, and the promenade.  At first I was awkward with the steps, but I felt much more confident as a professional was able to lead me and then I was able to become better and better through each round of the song.  One of the best parts of the evening was being able to dance to live music!  I hadn’t smiled and had such a good time in a while.  It was a fun evening!

So, for a date idea, I would recommend taking a dancing class/lessons together as a couple.  There are some important marriage principles that can be learned from dancing together.  The first lesson is that we all come into a marriage with a different skill set and ability.  Just like the professional dancer was able to help build my confidence, we can help build up each other’s confidence by using the skills and strengths we do have.  Slowly we are able to add more steps or knowledge to what we already know and we are able to become better at keeping our marriage relationship strong.  Another element of folk dancing (or other partner dancing) is that it requires a lot of team work and understanding and paying attention to the clues and signals (lead) of the other.  With practice you are able to become more familiar with your partner’s steps and are able to dance more easily together on the dance floor or in life.

There are many dances classes and workshops available in the area.  I’ve put a link to one website I found with a schedule of festivals and dance studios.  Please share your favorite dancing memory and tell us about a relationship dance step you have mastered as well as how it has helped your relationship.

Image courtesy of

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