How many of us are guilty of pinning more projects on Pinterest
than we will ever be able to get through and not only that, fail to do any of
them? I know I have a lot of things I
want to make, cook, and create, but lack the discipline to set time aside to
work on them. This is why I thought
combining an at home date and a project from our Pinterest folders would make
for a great evening! Depending on the involvement
and complexity of the project, you may be able to each pick something you want to
do or will have to take turns choosing the activity. Once you’ve decided on the project, you’ll
have to be sure to get the right supplies.
Make a list and go out shopping together. Grab some dinner while you’re out or order a
pizza. After you’ve got all the prep
done, it’s time to get crafty!
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I love that this date helps us practice good communication
skills and team work. It involves having
a goal (to do the project), figuring out the tools and resources you need
(planning and shopping), and working together to follow instructions while
being able to put your own creativity and twist on things. This helps us learn how to set goals and
accomplish them together. What a great
skill to have and keep sharp in a marriage!
I love the following quote about creating from President
Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He said, “The desire
to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education,
backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something
that did not exist before… Creation
brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment.
We develop ourselves and others when we take unorganized matter into our
hands and mold it into something of beauty… As you take the normal
opportunities of your daily life and create something of beauty and
helpfulness, you improve not only the world around you but also the world
within you.”
We would love to see how you expressed your creativity. Share your projects below.